Reeds was offered an opportunity at Costco to trial test their new Kombucha beverage through 6 road shows in California. Sell your product in Costco.
MOJO was called in by Reeds to consult and implement the road shows. MOJO developed the road show set up, allocated and procured the supply and sample product, trained and placed road show staff, coordinated logistics of shipping, developed specific road show packaging and completed a post show reporting that was used as a tool for Reeds to work with the Costco buying office to determine if this item had viability for inline placement.

By creating a set up to attract club members to the Reeds Kombucha and engaging club members by introducing them to Reeds we began a relationship with the Costco Club member. Reeds Ginger Brew by using MOJO had a series of successful shows and was able to use the results and post show reporting to negotiate selling space at Costco. Sell Your Product to Costco.